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Hire developers

AI-Powered Personal Trainer

Altis is a pioneering company creating the world's first AI personal trainer, delivering hyper-personalized, interactive workouts through a sleek console.

AI-Powered Personal Trainer

Altis is a pioneering company creating the world's first AI personal trainer, delivering hyper-personalized, interactive workouts through a sleek console.

intro image



Fort Lauderdale, FL , US




12 months - project duration


20+ employees

Tech stack




Compute Shaders

VFX Graph

Shader Graph

Voice Recognition


Altis sought a trustworthy partner who could shoulder the intricacies of tech talent acquisition, and efficient personnel management.

Team Extansion

Altis faced the daunting task of expanding their development unit with 5 proficient Unity developers and 2 QA specialists in a tight timeframe.

Additionally, ensuring these new hires meshed well with their existing culture was critical for cohesion.

Infrastructure Need

Altis emphasized the importance of a dedicated testing environment for their console software.

This meant setting up an office workspace tailored for rigorous software testing, equipped with the necessary hardware and network configurations.


Understanding Needs

Together with Altis, we meticulously formed a comprehensive list of requirements for the Unity developers and QA engineers, ensuring a targeted and efficient talent acquisition process.


Together with Altis, we meticulously formed a comprehensive list of requirements for the Unity developers and QA engineers, ensuring a targeted and efficient talent acquisition process.


Olga Sherman, Operations & Project Manager at Altis

We appreciate their flexibility and their willingness to offer a variety of solutions to satisfy our development needs

contact us

We're excited to start a project with you! Don't hesitate to contact us.